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Are you a fan of Twitter increasing its character limit?

Are you a fan of Twitter increasing its character limit?

Now you have 280 characters to play with – good or bad? Founded way back in March 2006, Twitter has proved its popularity, surviving for more than a decade as a much-loved social media platform. It’s no secret that it’s one of my favourites as it’s built my business since I joined in December 2008. Twitter and I clicked.

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Case Study | Have your blog posts converted into a branded e-book

Case Study | Have your blog posts converted into a branded e-book

In our online world, business owners know the value of content marketing: for authority, for SEO and to turn their website into a hub of knowledge. And if you’re always blogging, good on you – it’s hard work to keep up that momentum. But now you’ve written loads of blog posts and/or articles, what are you doing with them?

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Case Study | Increasing retail sales by making ordering easy

Case Study | Increasing retail sales by making ordering easy

Ask anyone how they are these days and the standard response is often, ‘Good but busy’. We’re all pushed for time and really appreciate anything that makes our lives easier. Things like online shopping have come as a godsend as it’s quick and convenient. Read how we assisted Carawah Nursery fine-tune their Product Catalogue and ordering process.

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Case Study | Branded social media and newsletter banners (clients love)

Case Study | Branded social media and newsletter banners (clients love)

In a highly social world (online), if you haven’t branded your social media platforms, you need to do it – now. Your branding on your social media accounts (and all the newsletters you send out) remind your visitors who you are and what you do. And it’s vital that you make sure this is consistent across all platforms.

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A Twitter love affair spanning 8 years

A Twitter love affair spanning 8 years

In 2008, my brother was travelling to Iceland and encouraged me to, ‘Join Twitter sis and I’ll keep you updated on our trip’. So I did. It was the early, early days of Social Media. I was already reluctantly ‘dabbling’ with Facebook, and had a dormant profile on LinkedIn.

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