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Social Media Glossary

Many who are new to social media find it quite overwhelming the jargon specific to each platform. This is particularly true for Twitter. Twitter almost has its own language which has been devised due to the 140 character limit. Twitter will make little sense until you...

Social Media Networking – The Big Three

More than likely, by now you have a fair idea of what Social Media Networking is all about, and you could well be active in one or more of the available social media platforms. How do you choose what platforms to be involved in and which to leave alone – you can’t...

Significant Changes to Facebook Pages

Last Friday Facebook rolled out significant changes to their Pages in more ways than one! I’ve spent the past three days exploring these changes (across some 40 Pages I’m an Administrator of!) and on the whole these allow greater leverage for the Admin to...

Why Facebook for Business?

Many of you will be more than aware that businesses are embracing and migrating to social media and in particular Facebook. The simple reason for this is the static website and emails, in essence, are old technology. The digital world is moving fast and the modern Web...

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