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10 Favourite iPhone Apps for Business

As a business offering virtual assistant services I am always on the lookout for tools and resources which make working virtually more efficient and allows us to assist our clients better. Here’s my list of 10 favourite FREE iPhone Apps for business: Wunderlist...

TEDx Talk by Susan Cain

Anthill Magazine introduced to me this TED Talk by Susan Cain in this week’s Beer O’Clock. Susan is also the author of “QUIET: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking”. For someone who declares herself an introvert, I found her to be...

Timeline for Facebook Business Pages

I woke last Thursday to find Facebook had rolled out Timeline for Business Pages. Essentially the layout is much like Timeline for Profiles which I had already converted to so I wouldn’t be overwhelmed when they finally hit Pages. In no time, I received a flurry...

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