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If you write a blog or run a promotion, social media is a fantastic way to get your message out. But how often do you share your sales page or blog post? Once? Twice?

One of the secrets to attracting traffic is consistent promotion.

Rather than boring your followers with the same tweet or update over and over again, you can make your updates more appealing by sharing a variety of excerpts.

I know what you’re thinking: Who has time to write lots of different social media updates for a blog post or sales page? We do. 

Let us help promote your blog

Once your blog post or sales page is published, we can pick out the shareable gems and create tweets and social media posts to fit each platform. Once you approve the updates, we can schedule them on your behalf. Then, all you have to do is respond to the comments and shares (taking care of the social part of social media)!

Promoting your content couldn’t be easier.

Leading all the way to sales

“I’ve been working with Kirsty for a number of years now, getting her to create tweets based on my blog posts. It’s a seamless way to create more content that you can do more with.

“The tweets are written bearing in mind the use of good hashtags and ‘clickable’ 140 characters. I also get Kirsty to help me with scheduling – which has been a massive help. It has definitely increased the traffic to my blog posts and relieved me of a job I don’t like doing and don’t end up doing as a result (which is not good).”
– Shelley Röstlund, Social Intelligence

If you write regular blog posts or have a sales page you want to promote, let us help you share it with more people, more often.  

As you already know, the work our VAs do is not only high quality, it’s cost effective. Let us free up more of your time!

P.S. If you’d like to learn of more clever ways a VA can help, check out 60 Ways a VA (and Team) Can Support You and Your Business.


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