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I have been on Twitter long enough (Dec 2008) to have 8 clear reasons why I choose not to return the follow on Twitter of many new followers. For me, social media has never been about collecting numbers but more about ‘relationships marketing‘. After all, it is “social” media and I have found it’s the social element that has worked in making you memorable!

So, here’s my 8 reasons why I may not return the follow on Twitter;

1. Your Avatar and Bio

I will not follow if there is no avatar or Bio. I want to know something about you!

2. A foreign language

I will not follow if your posts are not in English. I need to be able to understand & communicate with you!

3. Continual boring tweets

There needs to be some interesting posts present on your stream. I don’t want to see verbose & trivial.

4. Engaging and social

There needs to be evidence of interaction with other users. Twitter is all about relationship building.

5. Not so social salesperson!

If you have under 5 posts with a huge number that you’re ‘following’, more than likely you are trying to sell me something.

6. Collecting numbers only

Unless you are a ‘leader’ in your field with a following of 20,000+, I will not return the follow. There will be minimal interaction!

7. A private Twitter account? Huh?

If you set your profile to ‘private’, it goes against what Twitter is all about.

8. Spamming on Twitter

If it is blatant ‘spam’, I will not follow you but I WILL block you and report you to @spam

If you fulfill these requirements and have a link to a website where I can learn even more about you, the chances are, I will  return the follow.

If you would like to connect on Twitter and we aren’t already, you can find me over at @kirsty_wilson Come and tweet with me!

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